
ZIO Test is a testing library in which all suites and individual tests are regular ZIO values. This means that all composition features that apply to ZIO also apply to tests, in particular—dependency management via the environment.

In this post, I will explain how dependencies are used in ZIO Test, how to provide shared dependencies between tests, and how to modify them using Test Aspects. But first, let’s understand how ZIO Test works under the hood.

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At work, we have to handle and process many types of (sometimes archaic) financial protocols. One such protocol, Image Cash Letter (ICL, also known as ANSI DSTU X9.37 or X9.100-180), describes how cheques (or checks, for the US folks) are transmitted electronically between financial institutions.

X9.37 is one such archaic binary protocol still in use today. The specification allows this file to be encoded either in the 8-bit IBM EBCDIC encoding or ASCII, and it contains both plain-text characters as well as TIFF image data. In Scala, one of the best ways to parse such protocols is to use a wonderful library called scodec, a combinator library for creating codecs for binary data. I recommend reading about the library and getting familiarized with the syntax before reading further.

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I’ve been using the BSP support in IntelliJ for over 6 months now, and while the experience wasn’t always smooth, it’s definitely worth considering switching to BSP over sbt. I’ve recently contributed a couple of fixes to sbt’s implementation of BSP, adding a few missing pieces, allowing improved support in IntelliJ using sbt’s native BSP server. I am grateful to sbt maintainer Adrien Piquerez of Scala Center and Justin Kaeser of JetBrains, who implemented the BSP support in IntelliJ for their hard work and great help!

This post is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use and get the most out of the BSP support in IntelliJ.

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Scala 3 is upon us, and the compiler team has been busy trying to make the migration process as smooth as possible. Scala 3 introduces new syntax for old things and deprecates some of Scala 2’s infamous warts, many of which have been fixed (or made obsolete) by the new compiler. While some of the Scala 2 syntax still supported in Scala 3.0, it will be removed in Scala 3.1, so it’s best to migrate as early as possible.

To make the process easier for Scala 2 users, the Scala compiler team have been backporting some of the new features to the Scala 2.x compiler, enabling them with the -Xsource:3 compiler flag. In addition, users of the latest IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 (in Early Access, at the time of writing) will get automatic refactoring suggestions, converting the old syntax to the new one.

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Integration/end-to-end testing is considered one of the best indicators that your code functions correctly, and everything is wired up as it should. Testcontainers is a wonderful library for creating and running embeddable Docker containers that can run alongside your tests, so you can have real implementations of your third-party dependencies, instead of relying on fragile mocks. Testcontainers is a mature Java library that comes out of the box with integrations for Postgres, Kafka, RabbitMQ, and many more, as well as support for many test runners and even ports to other languages.

In this short post, I’ll explain how to integrate Testcontainers (the Scala flavor) to play nicely with ZIO Test, showcasing some of the great composability features ZIO provides.

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A few days ago I tweeted a C# code snippet, showing a FizzBuzz implementation using some of the new features in C# 8.0. The tweet “went viral”, as the kids say, with several people admiring the terse and functional aspect of it, while others asked me why I wasn’t writing it in F# in the first place?

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Over the past two years, the PDF version of Bartosz Milewski’s Category Theory for Programmers became a highly-successful open-source book, which was adapted to other programming languages, such as Scala and OCaml. Unfortunately, building this 400+ page PDF from LaTeX sources in multiple editions took a significant amount of time, sometimes upwards of 15 minutes. One of the reasons was, all the code snippets are loaded from external code files (so that they can be easily adapted to other programming languages), and they have to be compiled each time in a format LaTeX understands.

I recently explored some possibilities to reduce the time it takes for the snippets to build, and I’m happy to report the results: a 60% improvement overall! Big thanks to muzimuzhi from the minted github, who generously helped me to arrive at the solution below.

Here’s a quick summary of my changes, that resulted in reducing my Travis CI builds from 14-16 minutes to mere 6!

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This was initially a long post, detailing all the manual steps required to set up a complete Haskell development environment, however, thanks to a hint by Krzysztof Cieślak, this process is now fully automated, allowing you to get started in minutes. All thanks to a Visual Studio Code feature called devcontainers, supporting running the development environment in a Docker container.

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